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Geospatial AI startup requests website to attract investors and spread awareness
A startup conducting a promotional event in sub-Saharan Africa requested rapid development of a website to attract investors and increase awareness. Easie successfully designed and developed a promotional website in less than a week to support the client's event.
Startup in AI sector requires development of minimum viable product of a dictionary game for user testing
A startup looking to create products in the AI sector wanted to create an AI-based dictionary game that included a leaderboard and friend request functionality. Easie rapidly developed a minimum viable product on web and mobile according to client requirements.
Photography startup requests multidisciplinary support for their business
Photography startup requests multidisciplinary support for their business. Easie provided multidisciplinary business development support to the executive team.
Firm with complex stakeholder communications requirements requests automated reporting development to replace manual communications
A firm with many different stakeholders and continuous reporting requirements requested help developing an automated reporting tool that could send reports to stakeholders automatically.
Mobile app startup requests ongoing engineering support to maintain their codebase
A post-launch mobile app requested ad hoc engineering support to maintain their codebase and implement new features.
Firm launching new product seeks copywriting support for their marketing materials
A company preparing to launch a new line of service products requested copywriting support to create marketing materials.
Sole proprietor business requests hourly consulting for digital marketing
A small business conducting initial digital marketing efforts wanted hourly sessions to discuss best practices.
Firm seeks business copywriter to generate FAQ for website and marketing materials
A firm with a semi-complex product offering requested copywriting services to create their FAQ.
Firm with finalized branding vision requests "brand book" to summarize brand to stakeholders
A firm with a color palette, logo, typography and other brand assets requested the materials be combined into a "brand book" that they could share with a wide range of stakeholders.
Scheduling widget configuration needed for fitness website
A newly launched fitness website needed configuration for a scheduling widget offered by a third-party.
Firm requests AirTable automation configuration
A firm using AirTable for a unique application wanted support with a complex automation.
Photo layering required for custom graphic in the fitness sector
A firm in the fitness sector required photo layering support for a graphic.
Gig economy application requests support with IT and cybersecurity
A startup in the gig economy was having issues with email configuration and requested support with ad hoc IT and cybersecurity services.
Yoga-specific product offering requires design and procurement of printed materials
A client launching a yoga-specific physical product requested design and procurement for printed materials according to their brand specifications.
Startup considering using Hootsuite requests guidance on pros and cons of implementation
A startup considering automated social media posting requested guidance on whether or not Hootsuite was an appropriate solution for them.
Ongoing engineering support requested for startup amidst a major business pivot
A firm undergoing a major business pivot requested engineering support with developing improved systems and new features.
Business needs social media accounts created prior to launch
A firm preparing to launch required preparation of social media accounts across multiple services.
Machine-learning startup requests GANTT chart and critical path analysis to facilitate acquisition requirements
A startup in the process of acquisition negotiation requested development of a complex GANTT chart and overall critical path to include in reporting to their stakeholders.
Startup in early stage requests generative art model to demo to potential investors
A firm with an innovative vision for a surveying app in a niche field requested a prototype of a generative art model that could be displayed to investors.
React Native application requires UI/UX and engineering support for implementation of their MVP
An application built in React Native required end-to-end pre-production and engineering support to launch their minimum viable product.