Easie has completed over 600 projects
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- easiecloud
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- video-production
Slack automation requested by financial services business
A financial services business wanted help automating the creation of channels in Slack that was triggered by an event in a separate application.
Real estate investment group requests project management for a specific set of critical paths
A real estate investment group tracking multiple critical paths requests support with high-level project management.
Consulting firm with ongoing technical requirements requests technical administrator for software
A firm using a technical software solution requested recurring administration services to ensure the system ran smoothly.
Firm with concept logos requests finalization of designs into final logos
A firm with concept logos requested finalization according to high-level parameters.
Texas apartment complex requests creative site visit during site improvement project
An apartment complex in Texas requested creative review at their property to facilitate interior design efforts across the property.
Early-stage social media platform requests app pre-production to prepare budget estimate
A business group with an idea for a new social media platform requested assistance with pre-production, UI/UX and prototyping to estimate a budget and engineering timeline for potential investors.
Business requests business process analysis to improve productivity
A firm requested a review of their existing system and mapping of their process to analyze whether it could be improved or made more efficient.
Sole proprietor business requests hourly consulting for digital marketing
A small business conducting initial digital marketing efforts wanted hourly sessions to discuss best practices.
Firm offering furnished apartments seeks design services with centralized furniture catalog
A rapidly growing business offering furnished apartments requested design and procurement support with a centralized furniture catalog that could be used for more rapid movement of materials to different properties.
Florida-based property requests additional interior design services after previously working with Easie in the past
A property based in Florida requested additional design services after previously working with Easie.
Regulatory consulting firm seeks ongoing support with general business automation and operational excellence
A firm consulting in multiple regulatory financial subjects requested ongoing support implementing business automation and increasing operational excellence across their business departments.
90-person business with COVID-19 screening app for employees requests updates based on updated guidance from local officials
An established environmental consulting firm with over 90 employees requested updates to a daily screening app Easie had previously established to reflect updated guidance from local officials.
Business executive seeks training on how to use DocuSign
A business executive using DocuSign frequently requested training on how to use the software to its fullest.
Firm seeks business copywriter to generate FAQ for website and marketing materials
A firm with a semi-complex product offering requested copywriting services to create their FAQ.
Nebraska property seeks in-person site visit to kick off interior design project
A property in Nebraska undergoing renovations wanted support kicking off interior design work via an in-person site visit to review the space.
Early stage business investor requests feasibility analysis of new business model
An established investor in multiple successful businesses requested a feasibility study for a new business model they were considering launching.
Branded pens needed for business team
A business team with an existing line of branded swag requested branded pens be added to their company line.
California-based multifamily apartment complex seeks interior design services in property conversion effort
An apartment complex in southern California sought interior design services to convert their property to a modernized aesthetic.
Real estate company seeks implementation of Twitter account to manage social media interactions, marketing and PR
A firm with a novel real estate business model requested expansion of their social media activity to include Twitter.
Firm with finalized branding vision requests "brand book" to summarize brand to stakeholders
A firm with a color palette, logo, typography and other brand assets requested the materials be combined into a "brand book" that they could share with a wide range of stakeholders.