Easie Journalist Easie Journalist

Healthtech company requests automatic Jira itemization of user feedback for key future features and suggestions to implement into future iterations of their platform

Healthtech company requests automatic Jira itemization of user feedback for key future features and suggestions to implement into future iterations of platform. Easie built a feedback button within the platform's wizard to automatically create Jira items as feedback and feature requests.

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Easie Journalist Easie Journalist

Platform for healthtech requests research, analysis, and development of database to manage fields, values and analytics of their business operations

Platform for healthtech requests research, analysis, and development of database to manage fields, values and analytics of their business operations. Easie helped research and inform the organization about their options between relational database (SQL) vs non relational (NoSQL) to help the business make the best decision moving forward.

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Easie Journalist Easie Journalist

A healthtech organization requests developers to build updated codebase and new version of their web and mobile app

A healthtech organization requests discussion and research to determine features to build an updated codebase and new version of their web and mobile app. Easie met with individuals from multiple departments and users of the organization to understand their needs and prioritize and organize them into a feature list for agile development.

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Easie Journalist Easie Journalist

Healthtech company requests a comparison analysis of their LOC options to assist in informed decision making

A healthtech company sought a summarized comparison analysis of their LOC options. Terms were summarized, further negotiated, organized for easy comparison against multiple lenders and Easie's executive team discussed these options with the organization's CFO to help the company make an informed decision to determine their preferred lender.

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Easie Journalist Easie Journalist

Investment group seeks CRM customization within Smartsheets

Investment group seeks CRM customization within Smartsheets. Easie Smartsheets SME met with the team to understand pain points and build solutions that simplified the process, allowing a single-source-of-truth approach for updates

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